Category: Business

Take Board Work Wherever You Go

Take Board Work Wherever You Go

Sitting on the board of a not-for-profit organization is an important career step, but as you take on more responsibilities in your dynamic work life, you start to find that you need to maximize every second of the day. Since board work typically only makes up a small part of your everyday obligations, sometimes it can get shuffled to the […]

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How management make the key decisions for any business

How management make the key decisions for any business

Managers are often the highest-paid employees of a business because they carry an enormous degree of responsibility. Some decisions in a business,such as which markets to target or whether branches should be opened or closed, can only be made from the informed perspective of management, while requiring the skill levels that can only be acquired through many years working in […]

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Telecommuting Technology Considerations: Setting Up a Home Office

Telecommuting Technology Considerations: Setting Up a Home Office

Estimates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) show in 2015 nearly a quarter of Americans worked from home at least part of the time. Many projections predict the rate of telecommuting will continue to trend upward in most industries. Some estimate independent contractors will make up 40 percent of the workforce by 2020. That means the home office is […]

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5 Affiliаtе Marketing Tactics that Generate Traffic

5 Affiliаtе Marketing Tactics that Generate Traffic

You may be tempted to build your website and call it a day. It doesn’t work that way anymore. In fact, 78% of marketers are struggling to generate traffic with their campaigns. So if you’re struggling with traffic, don’t panic! Where they may not be a magical wand, there are proven opportunities that can help generate traffic. Leverage these 5 […]

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What it Takes to be an Entrepreneur

What it Takes to be an Entrepreneur

How many times have you heard people talk about how they wish they could run their own business? It’s part of the American dream, so it’s not surprising that so many people wish they could become entrepreneurs. Wanting to become an entrepreneur, however, isn’t the same as having what it takes to build a successful business. These five traits are […]

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Business Enhancement 101: Your Guide For Professional Success

Business Enhancement 101: Your Guide For Professional Success

Business enhancement is typically one of the company leader’s primary concerns. As such, it’s immensely important for business owners to think critically about which strategies they can implement for the purpose of pushing their companies forward in a dynamic way. Whether your goals pertain to conversion optimization, more industry influence, the acquisition of business partners, or something else, the business […]

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7 Ways Ecommerce Sites Can Liquidate Their Back Stock

7 Ways Ecommerce Sites Can Liquidate Their Back Stock

As holiday shopping begins to wind down, some ecommerce vendors might find that they have more leftover merchandise than they expected. For many sellers, liquidation seems like a bad word, but in truth it’s just part of business. While there are various ways enterprise ecommerce sites can reduce occurrences of surplus (including limiting seasonal items or assessing market interest before […]

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Three Business-Building Strategies For The Ambitious Entrepreneur

Three Business-Building Strategies For The Ambitious Entrepreneur

Building a business can be fun and exciting, yet it also requires work and an ongoing commitment to implementing strategies that yield results. If you’re an entrepreneur who is determined to make her company successful, now is the time to learn about business-building strategies that can get your company off the ground and running. Here are three techniques that can […]

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The Employee-Manager Relationship

The Employee-Manager Relationship

The employee-manager relationship can be a tricky one to navigate if you are trying to cultivate a productive atmosphere that motivates your employees to do the best job possible. It takes a truly unselfish and observant attitude to know what type of communication and methods will work to encourage a particular employee to do their best. What motivates one may […]

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Why Start a Business in Healthcare?

Why Start a Business in Healthcare?

Starting a business in the healthcare industry is open to almost any type of person. Although many doctors and nurses do go on to start their own companies in healthcare, you don’t particularly need to have had any previous healthcare experience in order to start a business in this industry. If you are thinking of becoming an entrepreneur, one of […]

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