How to Handle Your First Business Expo

ceo (1)Business expos (exhibitions) are becoming more and more popular and more and more vital to the continuing success of businesses, particularly SMEs. There are specialist ones like Brighton SEO for the Digital Marketing industry or generalised ones that can be found up and down the country in every county and major town.


If this is your first time hosting a stand then make sure you are prepared. It will be obvious to potential clients and partners that you don’t know what you’re doing if you don’t plan properly. Plan what you are going to say and do so well in advance. Get the literature ready and know it inside out. Also, know the city the expo is taking place. Click here for more information on phone numbers for services you are going to need for getting to and from the centre and sorting accommodation.

Moths to a Flame

There’s nothing worse at an expo than standing around and waiting for people to show some interest. Force them over to you and take charge of the situation. Get free sweets, set up a Scalextrix or an Xbox with Guitar Hero. People will come to investigate and have fun and whilst they are having fun their brain is being crammed with your sales pitches. Psychology is your friend: their brain will associate you and your business with the fun of smashing out ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ on a plastic guitar.


For this to work, you have to be personable. You need to be funny, engaging, and friendly. If you’re not all of these things you need to either learn how to be or bring along an employee who is. It doesn’t matter how good your product or service is, if you are miserable as sin, then people aren’t going to buy. They will walk away and speak to the clown next door.

Know Your Subject

Another vital point: know your stuff. You have to know every little detail about what you’re selling and your industry. There is nothing that kills a potential sale more than not knowing the answer to a question. Read, read, and read some more. Find blogs, and books, and leaflets, and documentaries – anything you can to learn your business.

Don’t Sit Around

A lot of people make the mistake of sitting by their stand all day and not seeing the expo. Yes, you’ll get business, but think about it – there’s no reason why you can’t get out there and sell direct. Have someone good man the stand whilst you explore a bit. Strike up conversations as you might find products and services that you didn’t know you needed as well as meet people who need the very thing you’re selling. Just being at your stand is only half the story when it comes to expos.

The best way to get better at expos is to go to them. Try and go to as many as you can afford and within a few years you’ll be raking in the profit and your business will go from strength to strength.

Published by Kidal Delonix (1197 Posts)

Kidal Delonix is a contributor to Mr. Hoffman's blog. The views and opinions are entirely his/her own and may not reflect Mr Hoffman's views.

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