Tickets, Tech and Terminals: The Best Business Travel Tips Straight From the Trenches

f24t245g24Business travel can be a challenge as well as time-consuming, if you don’t know a few shortcuts or have a few tech gadgets at your disposal to help things go more smoothly.

Even if you have been traveling the highways and skies for years, there are always new tips and tricks that you pick up along the way, so here are some insights that might just reduce the frown lines as you arrive at the check-in.

Quicker exit from the airport

Probably the simplest but certainly one of the most time-efficient tips for business travelers, is to try and pack light for your trip, so that you can avoid having to check your luggage in, and just take it on the plane as carry-on.

You only have to think how long it can take for your luggage to arrive on the carousel before you can be on your way, to know that the prospect of being able to exit the plane, walk through immigration and be on your way with your carry-on luggage, is a no-brainer.

Good clothes choices

If you want to know what the weather is going to be doing where you are heading to, you can keep your eye on live weather updates courtesy of Apalon Apps, and that might just influence your choice of clothing that you pack.

If you are going to be traveling light so that you don’t have to check in your luggage, you are going to have to be savvy with your choice of clothes when you pack.

A good tip for seasoned business travelers is to pack clothes that are dark colors. A dark colored suit or outfit is going to be more forgiving in hiding stains and creases, so you can still look your best, even if you have a spillage incident along the way, which otherwise could be a disaster with light colored clothing.

False economy

It is obvious better if you can get the cheapest flight available, especially if you are on a tight business budget, but sometimes that calls for a bit of compromise, such as including a stopover or extra connection in your plans.

Sometimes the cheapest option can turn out be a false economy when you add up the time wasted getting to your chosen location using the cheapest flight option. Take a look at whether paying a premium for a direct flight, might actually be the better option, when you factor in the cost of your time, especially if you end up getting delayed in somewhere you don’t want to be.

There are loads of other simple tips to make your business travel a little less stressful, such as making sure that all your tech gadgets are fully charged before you leave for the airport.

Following a few easy shortcuts and savvy tips can certainly make a difference to your travel experience, so it is always worth listening to the views from the trenches.

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