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Take Board Work Wherever You Go

Take Board Work Wherever You Go

Sitting on the board of a not-for-profit organization is an important career step, but as you take on more responsibilities in your dynamic work life, you start to find that you need to maximize every second of the day. Since board work typically only makes up a small part of your everyday obligations, sometimes it can get shuffled to the […]

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How management make the key decisions for any business

How management make the key decisions for any business

Managers are often the highest-paid employees of a business because they carry an enormous degree of responsibility. Some decisions in a business,such as which markets to target or whether branches should be opened or closed, can only be made from the informed perspective of management, while requiring the skill levels that can only be acquired through many years working in […]

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Telecommuting Technology Considerations: Setting Up a Home Office

Telecommuting Technology Considerations: Setting Up a Home Office

Estimates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) show in 2015 nearly a quarter of Americans worked from home at least part of the time. Many projections predict the rate of telecommuting will continue to trend upward in most industries. Some estimate independent contractors will make up 40 percent of the workforce by 2020. That means the home office is […]

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5 Affiliаtе Marketing Tactics that Generate Traffic

5 Affiliаtе Marketing Tactics that Generate Traffic

You may be tempted to build your website and call it a day. It doesn’t work that way anymore. In fact, 78% of marketers are struggling to generate traffic with their campaigns. So if you’re struggling with traffic, don’t panic! Where they may not be a magical wand, there are proven opportunities that can help generate traffic. Leverage these 5 […]

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The Stories Behind Forgotten Award Plaques

The Stories Behind Forgotten Award Plaques

When I was little, perhaps around four or five, my uncle was the principal of the local elementary school. He used to take me there sometimes after school hours and let me explore, sharing with me the curious secrets of arts and sciences. To the little version of me, everything I laid my eyes on seemed so big, impressive and, […]

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A Quick Guide on Selecting the Right Dash Camera

A Quick Guide on Selecting the Right Dash Camera

In this article, we are going to talk about the features you must consider when buying a dash cam. But first let’s answer the basic question: What is a dash camera? Well, a dash camera is a camera device that attaches to your car and records the road in front of you. But why would you want a recording of […]

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What it Takes to be an Entrepreneur

What it Takes to be an Entrepreneur

How many times have you heard people talk about how they wish they could run their own business? It’s part of the American dream, so it’s not surprising that so many people wish they could become entrepreneurs. Wanting to become an entrepreneur, however, isn’t the same as having what it takes to build a successful business. These five traits are […]

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Some Pros and Cons of a Virtual Private Server

Some Pros and Cons of a Virtual Private Server

What exactly is a VPS? VPS stands for Virtual Private Server, that’s a big word. Now, what exactly does it mean? VPS web hosting means the fact that you share the physical server hardware with other accounts and websites that are hosting on the server. But what makes it different from a shared hosting account then? It’s the fact that […]

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Tech Threats Today: Things You Need to Know About Ransomware

Tech Threats Today: Things You Need to Know About Ransomware

Small businesses face many challenges these days, but one of the most serious comes from IT threats like computer viruses. These can be very disruptive to your organization, and it is important to do all you can to protect your systems. However, perhaps the worst threat right now comes from ransomware. So what exactly is ransomware? Here are some details […]

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Business Enhancement 101: Your Guide For Professional Success

Business Enhancement 101: Your Guide For Professional Success

Business enhancement is typically one of the company leader’s primary concerns. As such, it’s immensely important for business owners to think critically about which strategies they can implement for the purpose of pushing their companies forward in a dynamic way. Whether your goals pertain to conversion optimization, more industry influence, the acquisition of business partners, or something else, the business […]

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