Category: Other stories

A good entertainment blog, anyone?

A good entertainment blog, anyone?

I have had a knack for writing since I was a child. As I grew, I have seen technology advance with me. Initially I remember writing in those spiral-binding diaries that were left spare by elders in the house. Few more years later we had the digital diaries. After the computer era and the internet and social media and what […]

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Protests Against the Cessation of Euro TV and Antena C Radio Broadcast

Several embassies and international organizations accredited in the Republic of Moldova expressed concern about the reorganization of the public broadcasting institutions in Chisinau, AntenaC radio and EuroTV. “The reorganization process should neither result in a reduction of pluralism on the Moldovan media market nor deprive citizens of access to complete and impartial information, as well as to public services, such […]

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