Integrate Your Dealer Chat Into Christmas Marketing This Year

fergwtrIs your dealership’s Christmas marketing strategy ready for the year’s most important shopping season? Have you decided on the discounts, incentives, and financing rates you’re going to offer to bring in customers buying before the holidays? You can leave your own Christmas shopping to the last minute, but when it comes to your business, you can’t afford to wait. You also can’t afford to forget about all facets of your dealership’s marketing, including your dealer chat.

If you’re using a good dealer chat, integrating your Christmas marketing strategy shouldn’t be a problem. There are so many ways you can incorporate seasonal campaigns into inbound marketing and dealer chat technology, your CRM should be buzzing this Christmas season.

Custom Phone Campaigns

Some dealer chat software solutions offer call center services as well, picking up overflow calls and calls on off-hours. Ever since Google introduced Click to Call for mobile users, car dealers have seen a big increase in phone calls, after a brief period of decline when it looked like email would dominate. Knowing that prospects are going to call your dealership when you’re too busy to answer the phone, or outside of your regular hours, take steps to integrate a seasonal marketing campaign with your overflow call service. You can create custom, seasonal campaign scripts with Gubagoo, one of the dealer chat technology providers that also offers overflow call service.


Publisher is a feature of car dealer chat software the displays your incentives and promotions, and if you’re using car dealer chat software with behavioral intelligence, it changes its display according to the visitor’s browsing patterns on your site. Whether it’s trade-in incentives, discounts, or service specials, the publisher is a powerful tool to get your promotions seen. Holiday-themed discounts and specials will connect better with Christmas shoppers, from winter tire specials to giveaways. You would never forget to decorate your dealership, so don’t forget to decorate your website with a few visual cues and deals relevant to the holidays.

Social Media Marketing

Your car dealer chat software should be closely integrated with your social media strategy, and that goes double if you pay for Facebook advertising. Facebook is now used by 2 billion users, with 1.2 billion users on Facebook Messenger, and it offers unprecedented precision for marketers who want to connect with local car buyers. This year, car dealer chat provider Gubagoo introduced Facebook Messenger integration, meaning your car dealer chat can reach beyond your website. If someone sees your promoted Facebook post or PPC ad, they can start talking to you immediately via Facebook Messenger. Use holiday-themed Facebook ads to get their attention and use car dealer chat to provide live follow up.

Switch To Video

Do you go the extra mile to decorate your dealership for the holidays? Now your web customers can see it thanks to car dealer chat technology that’s incorporated omni-channel live video streaming. Whether your sales personnel is talking to someone via SMS or live chat, they can flip the conversation into a live video with the customer, either one-way or two-way. It’s a powerful tool for making a human connection in the early stages, not only because it shows prospects the humans behind the text, but it also gives personnel an opportunity to walk around the dealership and show off models. The freedom to switch seamlessly to video is one of those car dealer chat features that’s bound to become standard in the future.

SMS Marketing

What does your holiday-themed SMS outbound lead campaign look like? From promoting deals to simply offering your customers a happy holiday, SMS marketing is one of the most effective lead generation tools in the business and your car dealer chat technology should make it easy to manage SMS campaigns and switch from live chat to text message. An effective car dealer chat tool can manage your SMS marketing campaign and make sure that you’re always following marketing laws in your state or province.

Car dealer chat technology today is more than just a live chat, it opens up more channels to communicate with prospects, whether that’s SMS, video, Facebook Messenger, or an old-fashioned phone call.The holiday season is your last chance of the year to boost your sales numbers and improve revenues. Dealerships must integrate their car dealer chat technology to their Christmas and seasonal marketing strategies to capitalize on the season and generate more leads. Don’t let good numbers make you over-confident; you can always do better.

Published by Kidal Delonix (1198 Posts)

Kidal Delonix is a contributor to Mr. Hoffman's blog. The views and opinions are entirely his/her own and may not reflect Mr Hoffman's views.

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