Category: Other stories

To manage a sports league

To manage a sports league

When you want to welcome local residents to stay physically active and enjoy recreational sports, there are several benefits that come with creating a sports league. Although it may seem daunting to organize an entire league, it can be done effectively with the right tools used. To manage a sports league, you’ll need to understand what’s involved to ensure that […]

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Easy Ways to Save on Your Monthly Expenses

Easy Ways to Save on Your Monthly Expenses

I’m a strong believer that everyone can benefit from saving a little bit more money every month. You’ve probably heard some people say things like “you can’t take it with you when you die.” Sure, spending money is fun, but that kind of thinking can land you in a bad financial situation. Right now, three quarters of Americans live paycheck […]

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The Stories Behind Forgotten Award Plaques

The Stories Behind Forgotten Award Plaques

When I was little, perhaps around four or five, my uncle was the principal of the local elementary school. He used to take me there sometimes after school hours and let me explore, sharing with me the curious secrets of arts and sciences. To the little version of me, everything I laid my eyes on seemed so big, impressive and, […]

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Urgent Need to Upgrade US Water Infrastructure

Urgent Need to Upgrade US Water Infrastructure

From sea to shining sea, America is facing an infrastructure crisis. All types of US infrastructure, including roads, dams, and wastewater treatment are all crumbling into disrepair. One needs to look no further than the ongoing tragedy in Flint, Michigan, to see the human cost of this crisis. A recent report from the American Society of Civil Engineers stressed the […]

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Understanding Disaster Recovery in the Modern Age

Understanding Disaster Recovery in the Modern Age

Once upon a time, disaster recovery was about fixing roads and buildings after some sort of natural phenomenon. Today, however, things have changed tremendously. A lot of different services, most of which actually refer to digital recovery, now exist, and they have evolved together with the changing needs of consumers. As a result, different companies have also given it different […]

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Five Areas in Which Crowd Sourcing Software Has Changed the World

Five Areas in Which Crowd Sourcing Software Has Changed the World

Crowdsourcing is becoming increasingly popular. Once upon a time, it was restricted solely to people getting help on IT related questions. This quickly changed into people asking questions about any topic they could come up with, and this developed further into businesses starting to understand its benefits. So much so, in fact, that there are now many different crowd sourcing […]

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Ear piercing for children

Ear piercing for children

Ear piercing is nothing new and has been around for a long, long time. In fact, the practice is at least 5,000 years old. We know this because of the discovery of Otzi the Iceman’s mummified remains. Otzi the Iceman lived around 3000 BC in the snowy Alps and died in the mountains, where his remains were discovered. His body […]

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5 Cool Ways You Can Use Video Conferencing Apps

5 Cool Ways You Can Use Video Conferencing Apps

Video conferencing has fairly recently made a gigantic leap that has turned it into one of the hottest and best innovations for businesses to utilize and implement across all levels, sizes and industries – it has gone from an industry focused on advancing hardware, to an industry focused on software development. The hardware exists already. The cheapest most rudimentary smartphones […]

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Don’t Bury Your Head in the Sand when It Comes to Your Reputation

Don’t Bury Your Head in the Sand when It Comes to Your Reputation

Do you know how damaging a bad reputation can be? No matter how good your marketing plans are, without trust in your brand, your business can literally fail. Companies spend thousands on their PR, marketing, and advertising, but they often forget the importance of working with excellent reputation management companies. In fact, if you have to choose between spending your […]

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Advice for Growing Your Trucking Company

Advice for Growing Your Trucking Company

When you first start your trucking company the hopes are that it will succeed and make a mark for itself in the industry. So what happens if things aren’t quite growing and expanding at the pace you had hoped for? The first thing to tell yourself is to relax, this doesn’t mean your company isn’t a success, it just means […]

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