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Protecting Intellectual Property in Your Company

Protecting Intellectual Property in Your Company

One thing that many businesses often miss when setting up or making their sure their business runs as profitably as possible and is well-protected against the unexpected, is the matter of company intellectual property. What is your company intellectual property? Your company intellectual property (IP) is the very essence of your business. It is something you create that’s unique and […]

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Tips on Lowering the Cost of Auto Insurance if You Live in Columbus, OH

Tips on Lowering the Cost of Auto Insurance if You Live in Columbus, OH

Auto insurance is an unavoidable expense that every car owner must endure. However, if you live in Columbus, OH there are some effective ways to lower the cost of car insurance. Here are six tips on lowering the cost of auto insurance. Invest in a defensive driving course. Insurance companies consider well-trained drivers to be less of a risk. Drivers […]

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Prepaid Cards Provided by Kaiku are a Great Alternative to Having a Bank Account

Prepaid Cards Provided by Kaiku are a Great Alternative to Having a Bank Account

Whether you have bad credit and cannot get a regular bank account or simply want to avoid the fees and stipulations imposed by traditional lending institutions, you will enjoy the freedom that comes with a prepaid debit card. Prepaid Visa or Mastercard debit cards are accepted everywhere and are a great alternative to a traditional checking account. You simply have […]

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The Right Choice for More Thriving Businesses [Infographic]

The Right Choice for More Thriving Businesses [Infographic]

A business bank account is really a necessity; it could make for ease and straightforwardness when balancing stats. Not possessing a business account can cause a great deal of troubles once you try to manage the funding connected with you small business. When choosing on a financial institution to manage your business account, you will have to figure out how […]

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Getting Your Customers’ Trust

Getting Your Customers’ Trust

Internet shopping is the hot new thing of the moment right now. All over the world, an increasing number of companies are redirecting their attentions towards the online market, revolutionising modern business. The virtual shop is not limited by opening hours, the size of the stock room or the lack of parking outside. Why shop online? Going online is no […]

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Savings, yes, but it depends on how you frame the question

Savings, yes, but it depends on how you frame the question

Which countries save the most, you know, personal savings accounts, piggy banks, cash under the mattress and all of that financial stuff? It’s a great question. And a serious one at that given the worldwide recession, not to mention austerity and job insecurity we’ve all been experiencing over the last few years. There are lots of reasons to save money. […]

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OLX Classifieds Online – Review

OLX Classifieds Online – Review

You might watch the TV screen campaigns of OLX being aired on most the TV screen channels of India since 2011; it’s a free India classifieds website that’s given the ability to ordinary consumer to get and sell any stuff she has got. offer classifieds for a number of services like latest phones for sale, Casting, Health, Computer , […]

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Protecting Yourself against Telephone Fraud

Protecting Yourself against Telephone Fraud

Anyone can end up on the receiving end of telephone fraud. That is why ensuring you have an effective strategy in place for telephone fraud prevention is so important. Criminals can clone your identity and wreck havoc on your bank account and credit rating with very little personal information. Guarding personal details and treating business deals or requests for donations […]

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How to Choose Your Satellite Internet Provider?

How to Choose Your Satellite Internet Provider?

Satellite Internet technology is a remarkable breakthrough. Just imagine having top-speed Internet access wherever you are, and “wherever” actually meaning that you do not need to rely on local cable infrastructure, which may be poor or simply missing. If you want to move somewhere far away and still be connected to the web, just choose a good provider, get your […]

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3D Printing Brings Art and Technology Closer than Ever

3D Printing Brings Art and Technology Closer than Ever

It is becoming harder and harder to ignore the impressive rise of 3D printing. One such example of the technology’s popularity is the hugely successful 3D Printshow. Now a world-renowned event and the primary showcase for the growing interest and fascination with the medium, the first Printshow was held in London in 2012 and has since gone from strength to […]

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